Caribbean Arts and Cultures after Hurricanes

hurricane icon dark red


hurricane icon dark red

hurricane icon dark red

"Coasts in Crisis" explores the creative practices that emerged after the 2017 hurricane season in the Greater Caribbean. The centrifugal motion of the hurricane's spiral is the organizing principle of this site.

Throughout the archipelago, spirals can be seen everywhere from ancient Taino carvings to today's weather maps. Since the arrival of Christopher Columbus, an estimated 4,000 to 5,000 hurricane-level storms have passed through the Caribbean. While media coverage often presents the arrival of a hurricane as a surprise, storms are a regular if unpredictable facet of life in the archipelago.

We invite you to spiral forward and backward along the three thematic pathways on the site by hovering over the graphic above and clicking on "Predictable Precarity, "Entangled Ecologies," and "Creative Resistance." Each stop along the spiral features art, music, poetry, or photography from the Greater Caribbean.