Deafening Silence

More than 4,000 people died as a direct or indirect result of Maria, and many people in the Caribbean lived nearly a year without electricity or running water.  While Puerto Rico received much of the national and international press coverage, the Virgin Islands and Dominica also suffered devastating losses, and they did so outside the scrutinizing light of media coverage.  The media's silence about many parts of the archipelago indicate the mainland's ongoing disregard for the peoples and ecologies of the Caribbean. 

The photographer David Berg captures the absence of international attention to his native St. Croix and other Lesser Antilles islands after the 2017 hurricane season in his "Deafening Silence."

Learn more about David Berg.


David Berg's 'Deafening Silence' shows a young Black woman underwater, posed as though screaming with her arms raised
David Berg, Deafening Silence, 2017. Photograph. St. Croix.





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